2024/2025 Executive Board
President: MaryBeth Gebbia
VP Fundraising: Clyde Mitchell
VP Membership: Leoni Sherlock
VP Programming: Anthony Lyn
Corresponding Secretary: Tamara Alvarez
Recording Secretary: Shin Wen
Treasurer: Tiffany Morin
Join the PTA Today!
A Middle School PTA is NOT as time-consuming as an Elementary School PTA.
Please do not expect to be inundated with work. We understand this is a volunteer position and we do not take advantage of your precious time.
We normally run 5 larger events per year that we need Volunteers to help with:
Back to School Staff Treat in August.
Scholastic Book Fair in October for the Media Specialist to update and purchase books for the student body.
*New Event-Holiday Shop-one night only, held late November.
Staff Holiday Luncheon in December.
Staff Appreciation Luncheon in May.
Please register to Volunteer with Broward County at https://www.browardschools.com/volunteer
To sign-up to Volunteer at SSMS click here: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0F48ACA62FA6F5C16-ssms2
The PTA is a valuable resource to our school, and we supply many needs throughout the year. YOUR PTA membership dollars help us supply these needs as well, along with participation in fundraisers and the support of our Community Partners!
For the Parents we provide:
PTA meetings to share upcoming events and the needs of our school.
Access to our website to share important information- www.ssmspta.com
Access to our Facebook page that we constantly update with school and PTA information, to keep you in the loop-Follow us at PTA Sawgrass Springs Middle School
Access to our Board to ask questions or make suggestions that would benefit our Parents, Students & Staff.
For the Teachers/Staff we provide:
A set amount toward classroom supplies/requests for PTA members.
Thank you events/treats to keep morale boosted throughout the year.
Gifts/Treats for Appreciation Days that include: Principal, Vice Principals, Guidance, Bus Drivers, Resource Officer, etc.
For the Students we provide:
Mints for all Testing dates
Breakfast treats for Principal Honor Roll Breakfast-3 Quarters
Prizes for Literacy Week Contests
Treats for Monthly Kid of Character winners
Prizes and Popcorn for the Yearbook Party
Supplies for Field Days
8th Grade Ice Cream Social
Volunteers to help run events
Monthly treats for Student PTA Members
Click here to sign-up today!